
Common grackle

The common grackle is a species of large icterid bird found in large numbers through much of North America. First described in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus, the common grackle has three subspecies. Adult common grackles have a long and dark bill, pale... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Quiscalus quiscula
Mass: 3.9 oz (Adult)
Family: Icteridae
Class: Aves
Domain: Eukaryota
Genus: Quiscalus
Kingdom: Animalia

Common Grackles are blackbirds that look like they've been slightly stretched. They're taller and longer tailed than a typical blackbird, with a longer, more ...
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Common Grackles are large, lanky blackbirds with long legs and long tails. The head is flat and the bill is longer than in most blackbirds, with the hint of ...
Adult common grackles have a long and dark bill, pale yellow eyes, and a long tail. Adults often have an iridescent appearance on their head, especially males.
This big blackbird is a very familiar species on suburban lawns, striding about with deliberate steps as it searches for insects.
Video for Common grackle
May 15, 2024 · In this video, you are going to learn the TWO common sounds that Common Grackles ...
Duration: 2:24
Posted: May 15, 2024
Lanky, fierce-looking, glossy blackbird. A bit larger than a jay; smaller, proportionally longer-tailed and shorter-winged than a crow.
Common Grackles are recognized by their long, keel-shaped tails, fairly heavy and sharp bills, yellow eyes, and (in males) glossy black plumage with an ...
The Common Grackle is a large and conspicuous blackbird (subfamily Icterinae) of eastern North America that frequents open areas with scattered trees.
According to CBC data, Common Grackles have been dropping at a rate of 3 percent per year, which amounts to a roughly 78 percent decline since 1970, says Tim ...
Common Grackles are gregarious and highly vocal birds. They can often be seen foraging on lawns or sitting on fences during spring and summer in suburban areas, ...