Euphonias are members of the genus Euphonia, a group of Neotropical birds in the finch family. They and the chlorophonias comprise the subfamily Euphoniinae ...
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noun (1) plural -s obsolete : euphony euphonia 2 of 3 noun (2) plural -s : a tanager of the genus Tanagra
Tiny finch with a very limited range in Costa Rica and Panama. Male has typical euphonia plumage: dark steely-blue upperparts with yellow belly and crown ...
A very small and active inhabitant of most wooded habitats and gardens where it forages mostly on fruits and flowers. Note this species' short, stubby bill, ...
The violaceous euphonia (Euphonia violacea) is a small passerine bird in the true finch family. It is a resident breeder from Trinidad, Tobago and eastern ...
Aug 27, 2019 · The name 'Euphonia' comes from the Latin and means 'good sound'. Back when I first came to Costa Rica in the early 1980s, Euphonias were very ...
Euphoniaeuphonias · Passeroidea: pictures (1262) · Passeroidea: specimens (11) · Passeroidea: sounds (203).
any of several small tanagers of the genus Euphonia, having a melodious song, most species of which have yellow and glossy black plumage.
Euphonia, any of several tropical American birds of the tanager family. See.
It forages at all heights in the foliage, but mainly at low and mid levels, and is omnivorous, taking fruit, insects, and possibly nectar. This euphonia is ...