Tytonidae · Genus Tyto – the barn owls, grass owls, and masked owls, stand up to 500 mm (20 in) tall; some 15 extant species and possibly one recently extinct ...
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The 20 species of genera Tyto and Phodilus, the barn owls, are in family Tytonidae. The other 234 species are in family Strigidae, the "typical owls". Five ...
Family: Strigidae (Typical Owls) · Genus: Otus (Scops Owls) · Genus: Mascarenotus (Mascarene Scops Owls) · Genus: Psiloscops (Flammulated Owl) · Genus: Megascops ( ...
Owl, (order Strigiformes), any member of a homogeneous order of primarily nocturnal raptors found nearly worldwide. The bird of Athena, the Greek goddess of ...
Strigidaetypical owls · GenusAegoliussaw-whet owls. Aegolius: pictures (10) · GenusAsioeared owls. Asio: pictures (8) · GenusAtheneburrowing owls. Athene: pictures ...
Family: Strigidae (all other owls) · Genus: Asio Eared Owls · Long-Eared Owl · Short-Eared Owl · Genus: Bubo Snowy & Horned Owls · Snowy Owl · Great Horned Owl · Genus ...
Strix is a genus of owls in the typical owl family (Strigidae), one of the two generally accepted living families of owls, with the other being the barn-owl ...
Owls of The World from Genus: Strix. Family: Strigidae (Typical Owls). Genus: Strix (Wood Owls). These are medium-sized to large owls with rounded heads and ...
Strigidae (typical owls). Genera: Species: -, Strix, Strix nebulosa. -, Strix varia. -, Bubo, Bubo scandiacus. -, Bubo virginianus. -, Asio, Asio flammeus. - ...
Owls are mostly nocturnal birds of prey that belong to the order Strigiformes, dwelling in tall trees and bushy areas. The various owl species can be ...