... Monasa nigra BERLEPSCH and HARTERT , Nov. Zool . , IX , 1902 , p . 103 ( Mun- duapo , Orinoco region and La Pricion ... morpheus morpheus ( Hahn and Küster ) . WHITE - BEARDED NUN BIRD . Bucco morphœus HAHN and KÜSTER , Vog . aus ...
... MONASA.4 a . No white on wings ; back slate color . b . Fore part of head partly white ( adults ) or rusty ( young ) ... morpheus ( not Bucco morphoeus Hahn and Küster ) Allen , Bull . Essex Inst . , viii , 1876 , 80 ( Santarem , Lower Amazon ) ...
... MONASA . 4. No white on wings ; back slate color . b . Fore part of head partly white ( adults ) or rusty ( young ) ... morpheus ( not Bucco morphoeus Hahn and Küster ) Allen , Bull . Essex Inst . , viii , 1876 , 80 ( Santarem ...
... Monasa personata , Vieill . Gal . d . Ois . i . p . 23 , t . 36 ( 1823 ) ... morpheus , Scl . et Salv . Nomencl . p . 106 ( 1873 ) . Nigro - schistacea ... morpheus , " adopted from Wagler's MS . , and published by Hahn and Küster ...
... MONASA . @ a . No white on wings ; back slate color . b . Fore part of head partly white ( adults ) or rusty ( young ) ... morpheus ( not Bucco morphoeus Hahn and Küster ) Allen , Bull . Essex Inst . , viii , 1876 , 80 ( Santarem , Lower Amazon ) ...
... Monasa morpheus ( Hahn ) . June 29 ; common in deep woods . C9 . Monasa nigrifrons ( Spix ) . small flocks about plantations . Santarem , April 12 ; common in 70. Chelidoptera tenebrosa ( Pall . ) . Campos about Santarem , April 20 . 71 ...