Umbrellabird is the common name referring to three species of birds in the genus Cephalopterus. They are named for their distinct umbrella-like hoods.
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Umbrellabird is the common name referring to three species of birds in the genus Cephalopterus. They are named for their distinct umbrella-like hoods.
The umbrellabird was described by Sir Alfred Wallace, a companion of Charles Darwin, in the... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Cephalopterus
Class: Aves
Weight: between 0.77 and 1.26 lbs.
Family: Cotingidae
Genus: Cephalopterus; E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809
Kingdom: Animalia
Lower classifications
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The Umbrellabird is a large, tropical species of bird that is found inhabiting the rainforests of Central and South America.
noun : any of several South and Central American birds of the genus Cephalopterus (as C. ornatus) that are about the size of a jackdaw
The Umbrellabird is a large, tropical species of bird that is found inhabiting the rainforests of Central and South America.
Umbrellabird, any of three species of cotingas (family Cotingidae, order Passeriformes) of tropical American forests. They are notable for their unique, ...
Long-wattled Umbrellabird - American Bird Conservancy › bird › long-wattled-umbrellabird
The all-black male sports a crest of fine, hair-like feathers that hang all the way over its bill, giving it the look of having an “umbrella.
Large black bird found inside forest, usually at middle levels. Reminiscent of a crow with a funky hairdo; unlike any other species in its range.
May 2, 2019 · The Umbrella Bird is about the size of a crow, averaging about 18 inches in length. Its colour is entirely black, but varied with metallic blue ...
The Amazonian Umbrellabird is a large, bizarre cotinga of the Amazon basin. Its namesake umbrella-like crest is distinctive in all plumages, although it is ...