National Audubon Society
Not strictly migratory, but has a regular northward dispersal after nesting. Florida birds wander well north in eastern states; flocks of birds from eastern Mexico occur along Texas coast in summer; birds from western Mexico appear in summer at Salton Sea and elsewhere in southwest.
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Sep 15, 2022 · Researchers now know they are partially migratory, and like other wading birds, wander widely in response to local environmental conditions, which vary year to ...
Migration. Resident. Primarily non-migratory, but populations in Georgia and South Carolina move to Florida for the winter.
The general consensus is that wood storks move north from the breeding colonies in South and Central Florida. Storks that breed in North Florida disperse mostly ...
Although not considered true migrants, juvenile Wood Storks disperse northward after the breeding season, and adults move in response to food availability.
Wood storks are wading birds with bald heads, are 3 feet tall w/5 foot wingspans. They feed on fish and nest high above the water in trees.
Wood Storks occur only in a few areas in the United States, so to get a look at one, head to a wetland preserve or wildlife area along the coast in Florida, ...
Colonies in South Florida form late November to early March, while wood storks in Central and North Florida form colonies from February to March (Florida ...
Storks from eastern Mexico may move into Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas and storks from western Mexico may move into California and Arizona (Matthews and ...
Jun 24, 2022 · But at the same time, biologists discovered that wood storks were moving out of south Florida to form new nesting colonies in wetlands scattered ...